Root Canal Treatment

If the nerve of a tooth becomes damaged or dies due to decay or trauma, a root canal procedure can be used to save a tooth that would otherwise have required extraction. The root canal procedure removes infected or damaged tissue (pulp) from the inside of a tooth. This procedure usually requires two to three visits in which the following occurs:

  1. The pulp is located and removed.
  2. The pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and sterilised.
  3. The root canals and pulp chamber are filled and sealed so that no bacteria can re-enter.

It is a common misconception that a root canal is a painful procedure. With the use of modern technology and anaesthetics, almost all of our patients who have required a root canal have found it no more uncomfortable than having a simple filling. There are only small number of patients who might experience some discomfort on the first visit if their tooth is heavily infected and already causing a toothache. After the procedure patients often feel relief from the initial pain of the toothache. After a root canal, it is often advised to protect the tooth with a crown as the decay or trauma that initially damaged the nerve often compromises the structural integrity of the tooth. As there is never a convenient time for a toothache, we encourage all our patients to attend regular check-up appointments so our dentists can identify and treat possible causes of toothache before a root canal is needed. If it’s been a while since your last check-up, please call our capable reception staff who can arrange an appointment to suit your busy schedule.

Related article: How long does a root canal take

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Kerin Stinear
May 29, 2024
April 10, 2024