Tips on How to Maintain Oral Health during Self-Isolation

Find out our tips on – How to Maintain Oral Health during Self-Isolation with us! 

Life is all very different right now, however somethings remain constant, like the importance of oral health for you and your family. How to Maintain Oral Health is a very important question than ever right now as it’s crucial to keep your immune system in peak condition during the pandemic.

There are several things you can do to keep your smile happy and healthy during self-isolation. You can check them all out on our sister practice Dental on Beams’ blog by clicking the button below.

Here’s a quick snapshot too:

1. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day (and Floss!)

2. Toothbrush Hygiene (Especially Important During a Pandemic)

3. Hydrate (Like It’s Going Out of Fashion)

4. Maintain Your (Healthy) Lifestyle During Isolation

5. Visit Your Dentist (Hello!)

We have adopted every additional precaution advised for our industry, including screening questions prior to appointments and increased environmental cleaning throughout the whole practice.

Throughout this trying time you can rest assured that the safety of patients, staff and the wider community remains of upmost importance. We can and we look forward to seeing you when you’re next in the practice.

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